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You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.
(Daniel Patrick Moynihan)

JANUARY 5, 2001

Workshop on the measurement and management of client satisfaction

On October 5, 2000, Circum Network's president was responsible for a full day training workshop dealing with the measurement and the management of client satisfaction from a program evaluation standpoint. It is our pleasure to make the support presentation available to all from the page which illustrates the type of research and management consulting Circum Network Inc. does.

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To reach us:

General address : service@circum.com
Benoît Gauthier : gauthier@circum.com, @BGauthierCEEQ
Tel. : +1 819 775-2620, Fax : (no more fax; sorry)
238 Fleming Road, Cantley, Québec J8V 3B4

Benoît Gauthier, Mastodon